Stockholm, Sweden, is really an ideal spot for photographers looking to get great shots as it’s easily walkable with a wide range of historical architecture and different light options to shoot, day or night.
Here are 5 Top Spots to include on your next Image Itinerary.
1. Nybrokajen (Stockholm)
This is a great central spot to start your walk or hop on a boat to experience the City. Your SL Metro pass includes a boat tour which you may do day or night, around the inner harbour.

2. Skeppsbron via Strömbron
Walk over the Strömbron Bridge to the Skeppsbron Boardwalk, and then to Stramla Gan, and back over the Vasabron Bridge for the perfect little day trip around the old city.

3. Stamla Gan
This is an obvious tourist stop with its great historical architecture, narrow streets, an old-town vibe, plus the Nobel Prize Museum and the Kungliga slottet or Royal Palace in its heart centre.

Walking back on the westside Vasabron Bridge you can get a great view of Stockholm City Hall or Stocholms stadhus.

4. KungstrÀdgÄrden
In the heart of the City, this is a great spot to shop, relax or start your destination. Nearby activities include A/ skating or B/ shopping.
4A/ KungstrÀdgÄrden park in the historic royal gardens features an outdoor skating rink by Forumdammen and the Molins FontÀn.

4B/ Just north of this location, you may also find tons of shopping including the Gallerian indoor shopping centre, plus busy walking, shopping streets up Sergelgatan. Take your pick with indoor or outdoor activities, or combine them given their proximity.

5. Night Attractions
For night activities, here’s three great options for you in Stockholm: A/ the Fotografiska Museum, B/ SL Ferry for a public cruise, or C/ nighttime skate in KungstrĂ€dgĂ„rden.
5A/ The Fotografiska Museum or Photography Museum is a great option cause it’s usually open late until 10pm. You may catch a bus near the aforementioned KungstrĂ€dgĂ„rden. Or, there’s also an SH Ferry that apparently departs every half hour to the Museum from the first stop mentioned above, Nybrokajen.

5B/ From the Nybrokajen stop you may also hop on the SL Ferry for a public boat cruise that’s cute and relaxing.

5C/ If you want to stay active, the skate pond at KungstrÀdgÄrden is also open late. From here, you can also bus out to the Museum.

Lots of options and such a sweet spot to stay.