Ometepe is a small island in Nicaragua’s Lake Nicaragua known for its twin volcanoes. Take the cheap ferry ride over and haggle with the cabs on the other side to get to your affordable hotel. The active Concepción Volcano is in the island’s north. South, trails lead up Maderas Volcano to San Ramón Waterfall but it’s a muddy one. Also kayak to Monkey Island.
OmetepeNicaragua x @mktgfc x @stevekojimaOmetepeNicaragua x @mktgfc x @stevekojimaOmetepeNicaragua x @mktgfc x @stevekojimaOmetepeLaOmaja Hotel x @mktgfc x @stevekojimaOmetepeNicaragua x @mktgfc x @stevekojima
Location: Ometepe Nicaragua#discovernicaragua. Photographer: @mktgfc x @stevekojima